Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Prince and The Polo

Well, what can I say about this? We saw Prince Harry play polo and it was awesome. It's strange that I lived in London while in college, yet never saw the Prince. I never thought a move to NYC would do the trick, but I was definitely happy for the opportunity!

Here's the story of how our paths crossed: We (meaning Bryan and me, not Prince Harry and me) were basically sitting around the other Sunday and picked up a magazine to see what was going on that day. Lo and behold, there was a polo match on Governor's Island (an island off of Manhattan's coast, a little closer than Staten Island). I was really curious to see a polo match and when I read it was free AND Prince Harry was going to be playing, well, all of a sudden 90 degrees and humid didn't feel so bad! We rushed off to the match to watch some royal horse-riding and classy-uniform-wearing action.

Check out the pictures we snapped of England's famous prince:

Look at that mallet swing! (Are they even called mallets?)

Great form!

Drum roll, please..... Here's the best one. Up close and personal!

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